Welcome to the expanding fleet of vehicles in the amazing collection of Ugears wooden mechanical models. We want you to meet our new little pet: the fast and fun Desert Buggy. This miniature dune buggy is ready to take you on a ride.
If you are new to the world of Ugears clever mechanisms, the Desert Buggy is one of the models you want to start with. It won’t overwhelm you with the number of details as some of our more advanced-level models might, yet, the assembly of the Buggy is an interesting and very engaging process. Here you will need to use the color step-by-step instruction manual that comes in the box, but no glue or extra tools are required – everything you need for assembly is provided with the set.
The Desert Buggy is driven by a rubber-band motor. Due to an open-style body design, you can see the movement of the gears and wheels in the working motor. Just wind it up, pull the switch in the rear side of the model, and your dune buggy will dart ahead. Or not ahead: you can adjust the direction of movement of your tiny vehicle by turning its front wheels – make it run circles chasing its tail if you like! While the front wheels make your Buggy maneuverable, the back driving wheels also provide stability. The rear wheels are larger and have rubber-band tires that ensure better surface traction and a smoother ride.